Modern gaming establishments that are included in the top ranking of online casinos, offer their users an impressive number of the most interesting games, thanks to which they earn income. Novice players almost do not think that they need to develop their own strategy for the game, and just have fun spinning their spins, spending
considerable amounts on it. More experienced players, trying to find a way to improve their own results, will find out about new game techniques that will allow you to win regularly. Such methods include the advancing game, which will be discussed today.
What it is?
Most of you might already have guessed, an advancing game – literally is an “advantage”. Simply put, this is the common name for all games in which the player has, albeit a small, but an advantage over online casinos. Advancer is an experienced user with a mathematical advantage over a gaming club. This advantage happens to be temporary and permanent, and always stays in the region of 2%. So the player has to rely only on his mind and logic, no fraud.
What is the secret of the advancing game’s success?
What is the secret of advancers? Let’s figure it out! So, in the software creating process, the developers set the level of wagering, also called RTP. The largest and most famous game creators set a “return” around 92-99%, which is why they are loved. Less well-known developers can seriously underestimate RTP, up to 70%. So on average, the casino advantage is from 1-30%. What does this mean in practice? It’s simple, let’s say you have $ 10 and you play a slot with RTP at 90%. So, during the game you are guaranteed to return $ 9, losing only 1.
But if a player has his own strategy, then he can tip the scales in his favor and beat the casino. It’s worth saying right away that all the advancing methods use probability theory, so don’t expect quick wins, because it takes several hundred spins to create an advantage, at times you will even go into a serious minus, but this should not be a reason to abandon the game. Only following a strategy will help you gain the win.
Thanks to the advancing methods, there has even appeared a separate layer of professional players, for which, gaming clubs have replaced the usual work. By the way, the casino administration is well aware of these strategies, as well as the existence of advancers. The institutions that are included in our rating of online casinos prefer not to pay attention to the pros, since their losses more than cover by the income from newcomers who come to the gaming club just to have a good time.
It’s worth adding right away that so far no one has managed to achieve a solid advantage over the casino, the maximum you can count on is 2%. But this is enough, especially if you play “big”. Advancing strategies are almost impossible to mathematically analyze, but there are averaged numbers:
● the maximum advantage in blackjack – no more than 1.5%;
● the maximum advantage in poker is about 2%.
Many claim that advancing strategies are suitable for roulette and craps, but this is not true.
By the way, most famous casinos do meet experienced players and newcomers by offering an ad-game immediately. This is a kind of advertising that allows attracting a large number of new users.
Recommendations for beginners who wish to start playing with advantage strategy
Every professional who regularly beat the casino follows the following rules:
● do not deviate from the chosen strategy and do not change them too often;
● has a large supply of cash;
● possesses such important qualities as perseverance, composure, concentration.
The most important thing to understand is that the advancing game is an absolutely legal method that allows you to regularly “break the bank”. Just stick to your strategy for a long period of time, and you are guaranteed to get an advantage. Yes, all this may sound confusing and incomprehensible, therefore, many amateurs do not even try to master these techniques, but only in this way you can become a professional gamer. And yes, another important point, only in poker and blackjack you can achieve a noticeable advantage, and if you do not like these games, then it’s better not to try to become an advancer. After all, you should play only those games that you really like and are interesting.
Returning to the topic of roulette, it is simply unrealistic to apply advancing methods, since the work of the RNG, which calculates every round of the game, is not taken into account in the roulette’s work. While you are still tracking distribution, the server has already prepared a combination for the next game. So forget about roulette.
Some casinos recently began to block advancers, changing the rules of the game completely, but any large institution that values its reputation does not deal with this. Yes, many non-professional players refuse to play with advancers, but why should you even care? After all, you came here, not only have a good time, but also replenish your own pocket. So feel free to master the advancing tricks and start making money without leaving your home!